NaNoWriMo 2012: Day 3 – Session 2 Progress Report

I think I can count on one hand the number of days that I’ve written more than 4,000 words of new fiction in a single day. But that is exactly what I did today. I wrote nearly 2,000 words in my morning writing session, then, this afternoon while the Little Man napped, I wrote another 2,500 words or so. It brings my Day 3 total for NaNoWriMo to 4,459 words. My 3-day total now tops in at 8,402 words. That puts me 3,401 words ahead of my 3-day target. Put another way, I could pretty much skip 2 days and still be ahead of the game. Here are my revised,official Day 3 stats:

NaNoWriMo Day 3 - Session 2.png

And I couldn’t resist taking another picture of myself after this rather remarkable accomplishment:


I’m probably done writing for the day today, but I fully expect to be back at the keyboard tomorrow, aiming to put another 2,o00 words or so into this story. Maybe I can pass the 10,000-word mark! That would be pretty cool.

Anyone else have a big word-count day today?


  1. *shakes a fist* Curse you…

    Er, wait, what was I saying? CONGRATULATIONS!

    I did 2,153 today around household chores and an errand, which catches me up. I hope to get at least 2K in tomorrow: ideally at least 3K, since my Monster will be home from school Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday (yep, I’ll be working from home those days, too).

  2. Well, I would be feeling ecstatic about the 3,131 words I wrote today, if you hadn’t left me eating your dust! Four thousand plus words is mighty impressive. I’m going to shoot for two sessions tomorrow and see what happens.


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