NaNoWriMo Day 1

NaNoWriMo par: 1,667
NaNoWriMo total: 1,667
Personal par: 2,000
Personal total: 2,153

NaNoWriMo officially began today at midnight, but since I was still watching the Yankees beat the Phillies, I didn’t get started until 7 am this morning. I was up just before 7 am, showered, and came down to the new office, and sat in my new desk chair which I picked up yesterday from Target. After checking over a few notes I made, I got started on the novel. I wrote the "Introduction" (the novel is presented as a book that is written by one of the characters) and then started on the Prologue, which I managed to get about halfway through before stopping. All told, on day 1 I wrote 2,153 words, which is not only better than NaNoWriMo par of 1,667 words, but better than the goal I set for myself of 2,000 words/day.

It took me a few minutes to get started, but other than that, today was a pretty easy day. I imagine this was because I was eager to get started and had a good idea in my head of how things would open in the story. I didn’t struggle at any point, and when I finally stopped (just after 9 am) I was surprised to see I had written more than 2,000 words.

Tomorrow I’ll be writing between 5-7 am.  I plan on finishing up the Prologue and then started on Chapter 1.  Finishing the Prologue should go pretty smoothly, but I’m not yet sure where Chapter 1 will start (or take me).


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