December Housekeeping

Just a few housekeeping notes now that we have entered the final month of the year. (Hard as that is to believe.)

  1. The family and I head on our annual holiday vacation in the middle of the month. Because I will be on vacation, and because I will be focusing on writing the second draft of my novel, blog posts may be a little more sporadic than usual. That said:
  2. I posted a schedule of Going Paperless posts through the end of the year and I plan to stick to this schedule. That makes tomorrows post the last Quick Tip of 2013–and stay-tuned for that one because I think it is pretty useful for the holiday season.
  3. I started reading  my novel draft yesterday, taking notes, and I expect it to take 10-12 days for me to finish. In the meantime, I am trying to finish up a novelette before I start writing the second draft of the novel. I am back into fiction-writing-takes-priority mode which means that posts here will either be scheduled ahead of time, or written after I’ve gotten my fiction writing for the day finished.
  4. I’m planning some changes to the blog for 2014, the most significant of which are (a) revamping my Bibliography, adding an Appearances page (well, maybe), and most significant, (c) putting a time limit on how long comments are open on a post. You’d be surprised how many comments I get on posts that are 2 or 3 years old.
  5. After December 14, responses to email may slow down a bit. For reasons, see #1 above. If you email me after December 14, don’t expect to hear back until early January. This way, if you do hear back sooner, you’ll be pleasantly surprised.

That’s all for now. Just wanted to get these things out there while they were on my mind.


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