Restful day

I had a restful day today.  I slept in late, and then lazed around on the couch and slept some more.  Finally, close to noon, I got up, showered and got started with the day.  I did some reading and a some work on the style sheet for my new website (despite saying I was going to be offline most of the day).  Besides that, I did little else.

Kelly came home from work, and after she got back from the gym, we headed out for a walk.  It was a little colder today than over the weekend, but it was still a nice walk.

Spoke briefly with Dad today when he called.

We (and when I say “we” I mean mostly Kelly) have started looking into an eventual day care for Zachary.  We may be doing some visits over the next couple weeks to decide if we want to get on various waiting lists.

Originally published at From the Desk of Jamie Todd Rubin. You can comment here or there.


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