More “Cooking with Jamie and Kelly”

It rained quite a bit yesterday and neither Kelly nor I felt much like going our for food after work. We’d already planned to make Rice Krispy Treats, but we also decided to make dinner too. We kept it simple this time: whole wheat pasta, pasta sauce, and sliced up carrots. After that we made the Rice Krispy Treats. They were pretty easy to do, although I don’t think we used enough butter. I thought my arm was going to fall off from all of the mixing, but they turned out pretty darn good. I even ended up having a few this morning.

I got a little more work done on the revisions to “The Golden Watch” while waiting for Kelly to get home from work yesterday. I’m halfway through the manuscript. I should get the rest done in the next couple of days. Then I need to read through it and make sure the changes I’m making work.

I’m about 85 pages through Up the Line. I’m going to push hard to finish that up tonight or tomorrow. I’d like to squeeze in 2 Rob Sawyer books before April begins and I start my annual re-reading of Isaac Asimov’s autobiographies. (I’m really looking forward to that, as I always do.)


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