Killin’ time

I’m done with work for the day, but hanging around until happy hour, which will begin around 5:30, so I have some time to kill.

I talked to Doug on the phone earlier today and it was good to hear from him. He sounded like he was as ready to get out of the office for the week as I am, although I have to say this week went by surprisingly fast.

Ah, the weekend! What to do? Reading, certainly. Spring cleaning, too. I still have the guest room closet to finish cleaning out. The kitchen floor could use some mopping, and I need to clean the bathroom. The entire house could use a good vacuuming. And the yard is starting to look like it could use some work too. I’d like to, perhaps, squeeze in a little bit of writing this weekend if I can. And there’s the Italian lessons. But I don’t want to overdo it. I need some time to just relax.

Baseball season starts up next week and I’m looking forward to that, although I’ve opted out of ordering the MLB package this year. If I ordered it, I’d just stay up late watching Yankee games and I have to get to bed at a decent hour, old man that I’ve become. Besides, I’m looking for some ways to cut back on my spending and the two hundred dollars or so that I save by forgoing the games is a step in that direction.

As part of the spring cleaning, I’m thinking about reorganizing my LJ tags, which have proliferated wildly out of control. To do this efficiently, I’d need to wrote a little PHP program, but I already have the PHP-LJ library so it’s just a matter of writing code and remapping tags. I haven’t decided yet.


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