Lots to do today

I have a lot to do today in preparation for my trip to L.A. My neighbors are going to be watching house and checking in on Zeke while I’m gone so that much is already taken care of.

I did get started up again on exercises this morning. I started out with 25 pushups after getting out of bed. That means 26 tomorrow.

I have one more load of laundry to do, but can get that done a little later today as I won’t actually pack things up until this evening.

Among the things that I do need to get done today:

  • Clean the kitchen
  • Clean the bathroom
  • Vacuum the house
  • Clean off the kitchen table (lots of mail scattered across the table that needs to be organized)
  • Take out trash
  • Pack for the trip

With respect to the latter, I haven’t decided yet if I am going to bring both my work laptop and my iBook with me or not. I’m leaning toward both at the moment, but we’ll see. It’s a lot to lug around through the airport.

I also want to finish reading The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress today. I’ve got about 100 pages to go and I’m pretty sure I can finish it up today, although that might take time away from getting the chores done. That’s always the problem. Not only that, but it’s a beautiful day today, clear skies, very light breeze, and the temperature is near 60 degrees! 60 degrees on January 28! I’m thinking about pulling the chair out into the front yard and reading outside for a few hours.

Anyway, lots to do, and I’m feeling lazy. Perfect combination.

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